Environment Management

TİMTAŞ / Environmental Management Policy

We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment. Our environmental policy includes: 

  • Complying with, in Turkey and abroad, all relevant environmental legislations and regulations as well as up-dating our procedures related to the environment to achieve a measurable and contunuing improvement.
  • Measuring impacts of our activities on the environment and identifying kinds of effects and harms caused in the framework of its activities. Also identifying individuals and institutions that might have been affected during or after our activities. Consequently, warning them about the situation and cooperating with them.
  • Minimising pollution and waste as well as discharging them with least impact on the environment. 
  • Implementing a training program for our staff and sub-contractors to raise awareness of environmental issues and encouring them to apply environmental management principles. Setting targets in that effect. Reviewing environmental applications and publicize the progress.